
Sunday 1 September 2013

Day 67 - Arckaringa Station Homestead

A bit of a wild night last night. Just after dark a dust storm came through. We were told it was the first of the season and the wind was ferocious. There was a couple in a tent near us & they got dust through everything. Fortunately it didn't last too long. However, it remained fairly windy well into the night.

Then in the early hours a storm came through - saw the lightening for hours - again very heavy rain but only for a brief period. Then we had set the alarm for 6am to travel 11km for the sunrise. Come morning the sky was clear except for a cloud bank on the eastern horizon which gave a beautiful effect as the sun came up as in the photo below. The 2 top photos were taken before sunrise and even then the colors were magnificent. These photos were taken from a lookout near Mt Arckaringa...

We then went for a walk in the hills - a very dramatic landscape...

Whilst on this walk Faye spotted these birds and felt the photo justified its own position...

We had morning tea - scones and coffee - at the homestead with Lauren who manages this place - all with silver service. Sorry, didn't have the camera! Then some rest & to catch up on some sleep.

Went back to the Painted Desert for sunset...

Many of you know Faye collects things on holidays - she was down in a gully in the photo above collecting rocks!!!

Tomorrow off to Coober Pedy - about 127km of gravel road - the last of these holidays...


1 comment:

  1. Wow, what wonderful colours! No wonder it is called the Painted Desert! M
