
Saturday 24 August 2013

Day 60 - Glen Helen

Today went to Ormiston Gorge & did a 3 1/2 hour walk which involved a lot of uphill to then go down into Ormiston Pound...

Unfortunately Faye took a fall early in the walk by tripping up a big step..didn't seem to break anything but as the walk went on her right arm & wrist became very painful & not usable. She had used her right arm to try & break the fall. Tonight is still very sore & painful - we have put stuff on it and bandaged it so if it is no better in the morning we will try & see someone at Alice Springs tomorrow as we go through.

After walking through the Pound it goes through the Gorge - we did it 10 years ago but it seemed harder this time....lots of times it involves rock hopping over big boulders...

Whilst Faye couldn't take photos today she instructed Ken what to take so here are some birds & flowers. Again we were amazed at the flowers which were everywhere...

A quick lunch at Ormiston then back to the van to enable Faye to shower & rest her arm. Tomorrow the plan was to go to Rainbow Valley after doing food shopping in The Alice but that may depend now on how Faye's arm goes.

These are some photos we took yesterday afternoon of Glen Helen Gorge & the Finke River behind the resort....there is a lot more water than we have seen here on our previous 2 visits...


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