
Friday 23 August 2013

Day 59 - Glen Helen

One of the reasons we came to Glen Helen was that Faye's brother law, Colin Stace died here about 13 years ago. Was just driving along about 3km from here & died at the wheel. His family & others had erected a simple memorial & we saw it about 10 years ago so this morning went to the spot. A little trouble finding it as the road had been realigned & sealed but below are some photos - 1st one as we found it - then with some dried wattle that Pat his sister had sent with us. Faye also put some gum leaves in the rusted billy this afternoon. Just before he died he mentioned the beauty of Mt Sonder which is the mountain in our 2nd group of photos.

A well as Mt Sonder the Finke River which has more water in it than we have seen previously & also we had morning tea at Tyler's Gap which overlooks Grosse Bluff, a meteorite crater which was our destination today...

We had anticipated about 60km of gravel road but it has been almost all sealed in the last 10 years. These photos are of Grosse Bluff. The road in and inside the crater. It is circular - the 2 photos from a height were taken by Ken after he had climbed one of the sides..

Then went to Redbank Gorge which involved a walk of around 1 1/2 hours - much of which was over rocks - but a very beautiful place..

Then back to Glen Helen - walked to Glen Helen Gorge (photos tomorrow) - to the resort for complimentary coffee (because we are staying 3 days!) and of course an ice cream.

One thing that as surprised us is the tremendous amount of flowers around so these are just some of today's...


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