
Saturday, 31 July 2021

Day 38 - Quinola Lakes

Mainly shopping day today to stock up with food and stuff for the next part of our journey. Leaving here next Wednesday to slowly start home via the coast and then western Queensland.

Went to Atherton for chemist, Woolworths, Coffee and fuel for Percy.

We had put photos up when we first arrived of some of the buildings and lakes at the camp.

Some other parts of the camp are in those above. The waterfall is here at the camp where water runs from the big lake to smaller streams. Always plenty of water as it is spring fed. The flowers are at the front gate and the Kingfisher was watching us have breakfast!

1 comment:

  1. Sharon Stoddard2 August 2021 at 10:32

    Hi Faye & Ken, what a pleasure, as always, it’s been to read your blogs & view your amazing photos. I hope you’re both well & invigorated from all your walks - they do look wonderful!! Take care as you make your way back home & know you’re both in my thoughts and prayers
    Much love, Sharon
