
Saturday, 3 July 2021

Day 10 - Comet

A very wet night at Biloela - it rained all night and as the park was so flat  we had water all around this morning. So it was thongs etc to pack up and fortunately it did ease a little whilst doing so.

Morning tea was at Duaringa and the rain was finally stopping by then.

Next stop was at Dingo and of course they had a dingo model! Heaps of coal trains around…

Then onto Blackwater which is a coal mining town. There were several mines as we travelled along. A brief stop at Maccas for an ice cream sundae to sustain us.

Then along the road were these old cars and a little further on the Minions were there to greet us.

A stop in Comet where there was a dig tree that was marked by Ludwig Leichhardt in 1844 to indicate where he had buried food and journals. The part of the original tree was there behind a mesh but also had a replica.

We are camped just along the road from Comet in a big gravel pit. There are 2 other vans here also.

Tomorrow we go to Emerald and Clermont and will camp somewhere along the Gregory Highway.

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