
Wednesday 21 August 2013

Day 56 - Ross River

We had a lovely night last for dinner - about 8 travellers with the family & workers.

Yesterday afternoon took some photos around the resort & one of the sunrise this morning...

Today we went to Arltunga for the day. This was the first gazetted town in Central Australia in 1887. Due to a gold discovery but it petered out in the 1920's and Alice Springs was the man centre then. These are some views of the type of country....

The last photo is Joker Gorge - lots of big rock hopping to get in there.

These are some photos of some of the ruins...

The bottom left photo was the Police Station which operated until the 1940's. There are remnants of houses throughout the hills.

We did lots of walking - many of the walks to some of the old mines. There was one that you could climb down a vertical ladder into the tunnels - Ken went down but Faye declined! However later in the day we came to a mine that had a drift entry in the side of a hill and Faye did go in...

We arrived back at the van around 5pm so we are both tired as the walks today were extensive!

Faye only got 1 bird today...she stalked this zebra finch...

There was a problem with one photo in yesterday's blog. We uploaded on a satellite Internet wifi and it was very slow so we will see what happens with this one. This was the photo missing from yesterday...



  1. Hi Faye and ken

    Enjoying all the photos

    Sue & Bob Aus

  2. Hi Fay & Ken.
    Really enjoying your trip and photos.Have wanted to leave comments before but couldn't work out how to do so. Hope this works.
    Enjoyed your story about Arthur Stace & Eternity a few weeks ago.
    Bev & Noel Tibbs
