
Monday, 16 August 2021

Day 54 - Tambo

Left Lara Wetlands around 9am and saw some interesting things along the station road back to the Highway…

The Mulla Mulla’s were just blanketing the area along the road for a few km’s. The goats watched us for a while then left the high mound they were standing on.

Next town was Blackall where we had morning tea (after visiting the bakery again!).

One of a few “black stumps” in Aussie! The murals were on the school.

Then on towards Tambo and had lunch at a rest area along the way. Faye was looking forward to Tambo and to again visit Tambo Teddies. Has bought 2 previously and another  2 today…

We are camped tonight just outside Tambo on the banks of the Barcoo River.

We have a few onlookers..and the parrot has been eating near the van since we arrived.

Quite a few vans along the river. Tomorrow we go to Charleville and have booked into a caravan park for 3 nights.

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