
Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Day 54 Mungerannie

A good nights rest last night except when a rat was stealing an empty 2L ice cream container - dragged it into the bush!

We spent much of today going to & looking at the Cooper's Creek in flood. It was an amazing sight to see so much water in a "creek" that in most years is a dry creek bed. When in flood it cuts the Birdsville Track so they have a detour several kms upstream & use a ferry (until last year it hadn't been used for over 20 years). The other photo below is looking downstream from the ferry..

There was heaps of pelicans & other waterbirds. As we were only looking & not going on they asked us not to take Percy over on the ferry but took us as passengers - so did the return trip. After that we went to the place on the Birdsville Track where it is cut - this was really interesting & spent ages there. The last time we came up the track a few years ago we parked our van in the dry creek bed. The track is covered by water for about 6 kms so it is a very wide flood. Faye would't let me go any further!!!

Looked at some ruins on the way back - have now showered & we are going to eat 5 star tonight at the Mungerannie Hotel..

The other 2 photos are from here - the moon at sunrise & over the river just behind our camp. Tomorrow back to Birdsville & a run up "Big Red".

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